The bonus is payable following the completion of the Chaplain Officer Basic Course, which must be completed within 36 months of commissioning. Counter Intelligence Agent (MOS 35L) duty description, required ASVAB score and security clearance, physical requirements, and available enlistment bonus.

Terms of service vary.Ĭhaplain Loan Repayment Program: Individuals who enter the Army National Guard to serve six years as a Unit Chaplain may be eligible for a bonus of up to $80,000. Duty Stations Those serving in the Army in MOS 68F can expect to be potentially based at one of the following duty stations: Inside the Continental US (CONUS) Ft. Student Loan Repayment Program: Non-Prior Service, Prior Service and currently serving Soldiers of the Army National Guard who meet eligibility requirements may be eligible for repayment of authorized student loans up to $50,000. Officer/Warrant Officer Affiliation Bonus: An officer or warrant officer who affiliates with the Army National Guard from another Military Service and executes an agreement to serve in a specified job skill for a three or six year term of service may qualify for a bonus up to $20,000.

S RedditGI Bill plus College Fund, MOS bonus, college degree bonus can I get first. Officer/Warrant Officer Retention Bonus: An officer or warrant officer in the Army National Guard who has completed their commissioning obligation, met all eligibility criteria, and agreed to serve for a minimum of three years may qualify for a bonus up to $20,000. If you dont want to be combat arms Id suggest you dont sign for it. Officer/Warrant Officer Accession Bonus: An officer or person who accepts a commission or appointment in the Army National Guard, meets all eligibility criteria, and executes an agreement to serve in an identified job skill for a six year term of service may qualify for a bonus up to $20,000. Reenlistment/Extension Bonus: A Soldier currently serving in the Army National Guard who agree to reenlist or extend for a two, three or four year term of service and meet qualifying criteria may be eligible for a bonus up to $20,000.Įnlisted Affiliation Bonus: Former and currently serving Active Duty Soldiers who meet qualifying eligibility criteria and agree to affiliate with the Army National Guard in a specified job skill for a three or six year term of service may be eligible for a bonus up to $20,000. Prior Service Enlistment Bonus: Formerly serving members of an armed force who agree to serve in the Army National Guard in a specified job skill for a three or six year term of service may be eligible for a bonus up to $20,000. Contact your local recruiter to find out which positions are currently available.Reserve Component Enlistment Bonus: Non-Prior Service recruits enlisting in the Army National Guard for six years in a specified job skill specialty may be eligible for a bonus or a combination of bonuses up to $20,000. Civilian Acquired Skills Bonus : Current Army applicants who possess or are interested in gaining specific skills that the Army needs, such as expertise in persuasion, foreign languages, or. Receive an enlistment bonus of up to $20,000 for prior service. ago 68W MOS 1 skill level (E1-E4 is 1, E5 is 2, E6 is 3, etc) O SQI or Skill Qualification Identifier. Contact a recruiter to find out more information about occupations. Receive an enlistment bonus of up to $20,000 for Non-prior service. You earn Active Duty pay any time you’re deployed for any reason. You will only pay income tax on your base pay and upgrades or bonuses received while serving overseas are exempt and will not be taxed. If you have dependents, you may also qualify for an additional housing allowance. Specific length and timing of any additional training depends on your Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).

You are considered to be on Active Duty during job skill and Annual Training and will be paid accordingly. You drill approximately two days a month, with two weeks of Annual Training each year.

To break it down further, you will be paid every day you serve, including the time you spend in training. Specific pay level will be determined by your rank, job, education level and years of service.